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4 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety

By Arjun Shah

Ahh, social anxiety. Social anxiety can present itself in many forms. It can look like anything from feeling awkward in social situations to not being able to eat in front of others.

While social anxiety is a very real issue among many adults, particularly following a denormalized social structure after the Covid-19 pandemic, it is often dismissed and not given enough attention in discussions about mental health. Below are some ways to help alleviate some of the stress that might be caused by social situations.

1.) Get Regular Exercise and Have a Balanced Diet

Many underestimate the power that living a healthy lifestyle can do for your mind and body. It helps clear your mind and relieves a lot of additional stress. Keeping these habits throughout your life despite what social situations you encounter will help you live a life with less stress.

2.) Practice Social Interactions in Small Steps

Sometimes, the stress of having to deal with a large social situation at once can be overwhelming. Simply eating with a few family members or calling one friend to make plans is a huge stride in the right direction and will help ease your way into social situations. The best way to conquer your anxiety in social situations is to start small with people you feel most comfortable and safe with. The small steps count and they take you closer and closer to helping relieve social anxiety.

3.) Practice Simple Stress Management Techniques

Techniques such as yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation are all useful and easy techniques to help alleviate a lot of the additional stress that comes before and after social interactions. This is a very practical solution as it is easy to do in the comfort of your own home and there are many outlets and manners that you can choose to use with materials online at your disposal.

4.) Reach Out to a Therapist

NVisionYou's holistic approach to therapy helps treat not only your Social Anxiety, but makes sure to look at all aspects of your life. With several experienced therapists, many different methods of therapy are used to help our clients. Contact us today to book an appointment!