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Surviving the Holidays through Separation

Articles from The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson LLC

Typically, holidays are full of love and happiness. However, some clients are going through the most difficult time of their life because they are going through divorce or separation. Further, with COVID, there are additional stressors that we must deal with this year. While this can be a very strenuous and sad time, we have a few tips to keep in mind to keep some of the holiday cheer.

Plan accordingly

While you used to have a schedule that maybe you split between you and your ex-partner’s families, now you can spend each holiday with who you choose- whether this be your family or possibly being with friends. Try to create a schedule that best accommodates your needs this season and spend time with loved ones. This can mean a variety of things to different people, as long as you are happy with who you are spending your time with. 

Make new traditions

Surviving the holidays starts with creating new traditions that are your own. Start a Friendsgiving and do a potluck with your friends, order takeout food on a holiday, or maybe even travel if you can at this time. Go home and take the time to be with your family. Essentially, you should do anything that would make you happy this season and sometimes that means completely new traditions to try. Be realistic in what your holidays will look like now with your new normal, but remember that you can make this time the best it has ever been by creating a better routine. 

Self care

You are going to have a tough time during the holidays. We understand that. Make sure to take some time for some self-care and take care of your own mental and physical health. This can be anything from watching your favorite holiday movie, spending time with friends or family, or doing a physical activity you enjoy such as running. Keep your headspace clear and go into the holiday season owning your new normal. 

Preparing to Meet Your Attorney for the First Time 

It can be daunting to think of everything you want to cover during your first meeting with your attorney. Worrying that you won’t remember everything you want to say when you meet your attorney for the first time is normal; however preparing for the meeting with these useful steps can help both you and your attorney! 

  1. Ask the attorney what they want you to bring or send in advance - each attorney may have specific preferences or lists.  If not, we suggest the past two years of tax returns, your two most recent paystubs, and the most recent statement for each account you have including assets and debts. 

  2. If your case has already been filed or is pending in court, collect the pleadings, orders and discovery in an organized manner. 

  3. Complete any initial intake form or questionnaire that the attorney sends, and return in advance of the meeting.

  4. Type out a general timeline or series of events, with back up documents in support of assertions. 

  5. Be on time to your initial meeting and bring a folder with your notes and other documents. Lawyers usually have court in the morning and many meetings and calls scheduled throughout the day, so it is important to be punctual  so that you can utilize your entire meeting time. 

  6. Listen and take notes while your lawyer is talking. It can be hard to remember everything that was said, especially when legal terms are new and unfamiliar. Write things down and do not be afraid to ask questions about the process while you have your lawyers full attention.

At The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson LLC we have specific intake forms for each area of family law needs. For example, divorces with and without children, post-decree cases, parentage (the visitation, parenting time, and financial aspects of co-parents who were never married), prenuptial agreements and when Erin is appointed as a child representative/GAL or parenting coordinator. Filling out and returning the intake form before your initial meeting with Erin is extremely helpful to provide background information, key details and specific information about the case and your goals and concerns. Taking the first steps to getting a divorce are emotional and can be chaotic. However, taking time to prepare in advance helps. The Law Office of Erin M. Wilson is here to assist you in your family law needs and analyze the situation providing candid and honest advice.