NVision You

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The Health Benefits of Pets

By: Monika Sharma, Psy.D.


Apri 11, 2021 is National Pet Day, and our team at NVision You personally knows about the benefits of having a pet. And it seems, several other people do, too! During this past year’s pandemic when people have been restricted in their outings and social contacts, pets have become an all-time favorite companion. Our pets have become frequent guest appearances on our Zoom calls, and we get to witness the bonds between our collegues and their pets. Demand for new pet companions in homes across the nation has increased, and rescue shelters were at times emptied of all their love-deserving animals. Purchase prices for pets sky-rocketed, and people happily paid. Because many people believe you can’t put a price on a furry best friend’s love and companionship.

Be it a dog, cat, bird, fish, bunny, lizard, pony, or any other animal companion you fancy...here are just some of the ways having a pet can benefit our social, emotional, and physical health!

  1. Pets can help decrease heart rate and blood pressure under stressful circumstances compared to those without pets.

  2. Pets can bring us comfort and connection and ease feelings of loneliness.

  3. Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.

  4. Pets help us get exercise and play, improving our physical health and wellbeing.

  5. Pets bring us into the present-moment when we’re engaged with them, and mindfulness increases our overall ability to manage stress and reduce anxiety.

  6. Pets can help us meet new people, especially those that require us to get out regularly, such as dogs.

  7. Pets can add structure and routine to our day.

  8. Pets can bring us purpose and responsibility. They take us away from focusing only on our problems and help us live beyond ourselves. Feeling needed and wanted can bring our lives greater meaning and compassion.

  9. Studies have shown pets to be especially beneficial and comforting to special populations such as children, the eldery, those who are sick or recovering, those with ADHD, and those who are on the autistic spectrum.

  10. Pets can improve immunity and mood when hugging, holding, and petting them because they stimulate the release of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine while reducing stress-horomes such as cortisol and norepinephrine.

  11. Pets can be a source of real unconditional love and joy.

National health organizations such as the National Institutes of Health promote the benefits of pets, and animals are now commonly recognized as valuable in animal-assisted therapies, equestrian therapy, service animals, and emotional support animals. If you’re considering welcoming a new pet into your home, the CDC, recommends considering a few things first in order to provide the easiest transition and most joy for you and your pet. Oh, and if you’re wondering whether you can or shouldn’t sleep with your pet, Sleepopolis shares a number of things to consider.

So if you have a pet, be sure to give him, her, or them some hugs, play, and appreciation today! And if you don’t already have a pet, maybe after reading all the wonderful things pets have to offer, you’ll decide to welcome one into your life this year.