Monika Sharma




Since watching the documentary, “Supersize Me,” I’ve developed a passion for holistic health and wellness.  When I watched the film, I was working in a therapeutic high school where nearly every student was on a cocktail of psychopharmaceutical medications.  I began to wonder…if we could detox these students from their prescription meds and from their substance abuse, and ensure they had a proper night’s sleep, nutritious whole foods, affection, and warm guidance…would these students be in need of medication to stay focused, regulate their moods, and manage their behaviors?

Thus, I began a journey to learn more about healthy lifestyle behaviors and alternatives to a “quick fix” solution.  I believe we each have the power to heal ourselves rather than fall prey to too-good-to-be-true promises, become dependent on meds, or surrender our power to another person rather than learning to trust ourselves.

I am a fond believer in the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model for creating a rich and meaningful life. In a nutshell, ACT integrates eastern and western philosophy to promote awareness of the present moment, open up and accept our experiences for what they are, and ACTively move toward a life of purpose without having to first change our thoughts and feelings. In order words, ACT invites you to learn how you can live in the best version of yourself, even when challenged or struggling, so that you can acheive a life worth living!

NVision You, LLC, has been the culmination of my training and passion for personal power and vitality in life.  Envision all that you can be in your relationships, your health, your career, your future…NVision You!


To date, my 40’s have been my favorite decade because (1) I’m young enough to still have energy, (2) I’m old enough to have the wisdom and resources to know how to best use it, and (3) I stopped giving a f*** about what other people think and gained the courage to LIVE MY LIFE! So I decided to break tradition and have a child on my own as a Single Mother by Choice using an anonymous sperm donor. Best. Decision. EVER!!

There’s more than one way to live a life. I invite you to discover and live YOURS.


"Monika is AMAZING. I'm almost hesitant to leave her a nice review for fear I'll never get an appointment. Alas. Monika's the best."