At Nvision You, we take an integrative approach aiming to address our clients as whole people within their unique systems.

That includes systems within you (Biology. Thoughts, Feelings) and outside of you (Relationships, Culture, Work, Life stage, Finances, etc..)

We pride ourselves in being inclusive and respectful of your values, circumstances, and pace… Serving as facilitators in your personal growth and goals.


We view a person in context.

This means that many factors are taken into consideration when understanding your experiences and how to best help. Sometimes these connections may not seem relevant at first, but we believe everything is interconnected and has influence


We work to understand as much as we can about you, your relationships, lifestyle, and your presenting concerns in the first couple of sessions.

Our ongoing conversations will continue to inform how you are where you are, and your power to create the changes you would like to see.

We value supplemental sources of healing, such as mindfulness, hypnosis, body work, energy practices, creative therapies, psychedelic approaches, or medication. While we specialize in a few of these approaches to treatment, we do not offer all of them. We will, however, make the best referral based on your individual needs.

Oftentimes, exercises or homework may be suggested between sessions to optimize the time used while engaging in therapy. Examples of this could include trying new behaviors just outside of one’s comfort zone, practicing skills learned in session, suggested modifications in lifestyle habits, journaling, worksheets, and communicating with others.

“Healing begins when you awaken to the endless possibilities of life.”