NVision You’s values challenge ourselves as individuals and as a company to recognize our role in who we are and what we do in an effort to do better . These values also guide our work with our clients. We aim to help our clients search for and trust in your own truths, values, personal power, and possible paths by suspending the noisy chatter surrounding you, looking within yourself, honoring what you’ve lived, inquiring about what you need, and repositioning yourself toward the person you’d like to be and the life you’d like to achieve. We invite you to NVISION YOU!


  • We believe in the power of meaningful connections for every human being: to ourselves, between each other, and for society as a whole. Clients, therapists, colleagues, friends, family (biological and/or chosen), community, globally, spiritually, and across space and time. We are all connected. We are fundamentally the same in our shared hopes for safety, agency, and that we matter to others and ourselves.

  • We encourage a growth mindset in our clients and our staff. This means that we remain open to new ideas, are interested in developing who we are according to our values, and carry a sense of humility, permission, and imperfections along the way. And that’s ok! As humans, we are never “done”. We are alive, breathing, and evolving with every new circumstance and in our everyday. Embrace the opportunities that lie with that!

  • Once we recognize the role we play in our lives, in the lives of the people around us, in our communities, and in our world, we have the power to do something about it! Yes, it’s hard to take ownership when we’re experiencing challenging relationships and events. It’s easier to see the “Other” as the reason why we’re struggling. We want the “Other” to change in order to make our lives easier. However, we usually can’t rely on the “Other” to change and it puts us in a position or depenpency and powerlessness. But in recognizing our contribution to the relationship or events, we can change how we respond to them. We become an active part of our healing journey. We are not victims. We have power!

  • It takes courage to try something new, to do things differently, and sometimes even to give yourself permission. Usually, the reasons clients seek therapy is because something doesn’t feel “right”, whether it’s within ourselves or in our circumstances. As much as we’d like to see things get better on their own, change usually requires that we do something that’s not easy or that we don’t necessarily want to do. It takes courage to stay committed to our bigger intentions rather than be reactive or seek immediate relief. It takes courage to pivot thoughts and direction when we see that they are no longer serving our best interests. It takes courage to discard the story that “I’m right” or “I’m justified” in order to move forward more freely and intentionally.

  • Life is breathing and evolving. Change is constant, which means that what you’re experiencing today will not necessarily be what you experience tomorrow. We embrace a mindset that embodies flexibility, creativity, and openness. Your today is not the end of your story. If you were handed a pen, what would you like to write happens next? What would you like to make possible?