NVision You

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10 Tips on How to Do “Therapy”

First time trying therapy? Every person’s therapeutic relationship and healing process will look different, but keep in mind that therapy is a collaborative process to help you reach your goals. Your therapist is there to hold space for YOU and just YOU. 

Here are 10 tips to utilize therapy - and  make the most of your experience:

 1. Be as honest as possible. It’s normal to exaggerate or hide the truth in therapy. If you catch yourself in this web, it’s okay to tell your therapist that you weren’t sharing your truth. They will help you feel SEEN and can better help you when they know what you’re going through.

2. Try not to worry about being judged. It’s our job to be impartial! We go through rigorous training to address our biases and judgments and are constantly working on self-improvement and self-awareness to address any that arise.

3. If you feel the need to cry, try not to hold back. Crying is common and normal in therapy. It can be incredibly healing and powerful. 

4. It’s okay to not feel ready to share something. Don’t feel pressured. Especially with traumas.

5. Stay open-minded. Therapy is about feeling safe AND challenging your thoughts. Sometimes conversations in therapy may make you feel uncomfortable. As long as you feel safe and held in the space, it’s okay to lean into these feelings.

6. Don’t be afraid to give feedback to your therapist if you don’t agree with something they say. 

7. If your therapist ever refers you to another therapist, they are NOT giving up on you! They have your best interests in mind, and may know someone with a different approach they aren’t trained in to better help you.  

8. Remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. The harder the work, the greater the reward.

9. Your therapist will work as hard as you do. Do your homework. Take the guidance, offerings, and support that resonates most.

10. Your time in the therapeutic space is to be authentically YOU. Remember that everyone deserves a space to feel safe, seen, and heard.

~~ Natalie Rasa is a Professional Counseling Intern here at NVision You. She is studying Clinical Social Work at Boston University, and she is certified in adult and adolescent crisis intervention through the YWCA of Chicago and has guided families through difficult life transitions in a variety of hospital settings. She specializes in dating and relationships, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, sexual concerns, and identity-related issues. Learn more about her low-fee therapy services with NVision You here.

Photos Courtesy of: Nicole L. Townsend + Getty Images