5 Things Your Therapist Wants You To Know

Angle looking upward at a Banyan Tree

By Natalie Rasa

Ever wonder what a mental health therapist is thinking or wants you to know? Or curious about what meeting with a counselor is like? Check out below the following 5 thoughts that real therapists near Chicago have shared. 

  1. You may see us look at the clock from time to time. We are not bored, we just want to make sure we can help you process in a safe amount of time.

  2. There are several coping mechanisms for alleviating anxiety, depression and stress. Some techniques will work, and others won’t. It’s all about finding what works best for you!

  3. Worrying about whether your therapist judges you is a valid fear. We can assure you that not only are we trained to not judge, we are in this field to provide a safe, secure place to process life experiences.

  4. Crying is normal and common! It’s okay to let it out. In fact, it’s part of the therapy process!

  5. Our therapy services at NVisionYou can help you improve your relationships, ease anxiety, relieve stress and depression. Schedule now with us to start your healing journey. 

“It may feel worse before you start to feel better. Just like a kitchen renovation. It gets messy and looks destroyed before it starts to look current, beautiful, and something that reflects you.

Another home renovation metaphor. If your house has mold, you can paint the walls to hide it while it grows and you get sick. Or you can address the root of the problem and live with more health and trust that the environment you're living in supports you.

Like plants, It takes some time to water it and allow it to soak up the sun before we see it begin to sprout. Because all that sun and water is helping it germinate and grow under the surface.

Imagine if we gave up on it prematurely, before we saw the growth; if we don’t believe and trust that what we were doing mattered. We would never get the chance to see its becoming. Therapy is like that.”

- Monika Sharma, CEO of NVisionYou Psychotherapy Services.

If you’re curious about starting therapy, check out 10 Tips on How To Do Therapy for a glimpse into what it’s like!


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