Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

3 Ways to Address Caregiver Burnout

Caregiving for a loved one can easily be one of the most stressful and exhausting experiences in a lifetime. Burnout is real and reaching out for support can be life changing. Self-care is such an important aspect of rejuvenation not only to be a better care partner but also to sustain yourself and your needs. Additionally, families are under financial and emotional strain and accessing resources is vital…..

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

Grief: Love With No Place To Go

Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences in life. Not only can death bring about feelings of grief but receiving a diagnosis of a progressive disease like Alzheimer’s Disease or ALS can lead to feelings of anticipatory grief…

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

Why Therapists Need Therapy

Therapists entered the field of therapy in order to help people cope with some of their most difficult experiences; sometimes traumatic and heartbreaking ones. To prevent burnout and provide the best care for their clients, therapists may seek their own therapy.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

6 Ways To Cope With Loneliness

There’s a huge difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Oftentimes, we wish for the presence of other people when we’re feeling sad and down. These feelings are normal. One way we can work through these feelings is by accepting them, and learning to enjoy our own company. This can greatly reduce anxiety, stress and depression.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

5 Things Your Therapist Wants You To Know

Ever wonder what a mental health therapist is thinking or wants you to know? Or curious about what meeting with a counselor is like? Check out below 5 thoughts real therapists have shared with us.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

4 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety

Ahh, social anxiety. Social anxiety can present itself in many forms. It can look like not being able to eat in front of others or even not being able to leave your home.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

10 Tips on How to Do “Therapy”

First time trying therapy? Every person’s therapeutic relationship and healing process will look different, but keep in mind that therapy is a collaborative process to help you reach your goals. Your therapist is there to hold space for YOU and just YOU.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

The Health Benefits of Pets

April 11, 2021 is National Pet Day, and we love our pets! Here are all the reasons pets are good for our health, companionship, and unconditional love.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

Practicing Gratitude

Thanksgiving invites us to reflect on all of the things we have to feel grateful about. Watch and listen to Dr. Kristina Pecora’s presentation to learn how.

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Monika Sharma Monika Sharma

Surviving the Holidays through Separation

Typically, holidays are full of love and happiness. However, some clients are going through the most difficult time of their life because they are going through divorce or separation.

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